Wondering what to do between your acceptance to the DCP and the start of your program? Look no further I'm here to help.

Congrats you've been accepted into the DCP! But now you must face the dreaded wait. You're on a high and can't wait to begin working for Disney, but you have to conquer months between your acceptance and the beginning of the program. Ugh! How do you survive this dreaded wait?
I was accepted into the DCP on March 12 and my program doesn't start until August 12. That's 4 months of waiting and building anticipation! How am I not going crazy with this wait? I definitely should be going crazy right?
Here's a list of 6 things I did or more accurately am doing while I wait to start my DCP!
1. Visit Disney
I know this isn't realistic for everyone, but I took a trip to Disney while waiting for my DCP to start. Technically, I already had the vacation planned prior to getting my acceptance because I was running the challenge race for the Star Wars Rival Run Weekend, but it was a great way to get excited about what I'll be doing in a few short months! I was able to talk to cast members and get advice from them about working for Disney. I also bawled at every fireworks show knowing the next time I saw them I would be working for the Mouse. Going to Disney before you officially start working there is great because you can really get a picture of what works. What did cast members do that made your trip magical? What types of things did you notice guests getting excited about? And most importantly how can you apply these things to yourself to prepare yourself to be the best cast member Disney has ever seen?
2. Binge Watch Disney Movies
What better way to get excited for Disney than to watch the classics? In my opinion, Disney movies are the epitome of the magic. The magic that is Disney World wouldn't exist if it didn't grow out of Disney's innovation in his movies. I grew up watching Disney movies, so binge watching these movies as I wait for my DCP to begin is a great way for me to renew that childhood sense of wonder I used to get when I would watch Disney movies. I'm also super lucky because four new Disney movies are coming out between my acceptance on the DCP and the start of my DCP! Live action Dumbo, Aladdin, Lion King, and Toy Story 4 all are getting me excited to call Disney home.
3. Start a Blog!
A shameless plug, but I absolutely love blogging. It's a great way to channel my excitement and make my endless Disney spiraling seem productive. Reading through all the different menus of Disney restaurants? Blog post! Figuring out how I want to spend my time on the DCP? Blog post! Reflecting on my journey so far? Blog post! I can use my excitement for the program for good and channel it into a medium that will hopefully be beneficial to others.
4. Listen to Disney Music on Repeat
This goes hand and hand with binge watching Disney movies. Part of what makes Disney movies so great is the music! I've always been the type of person who needs background noise on when I work, so when I got accepted to the DCP that background noise switched from random Spotify playlists to listening to Disney soundtracks on repeat. (I'm listening to Disney Hits on Spotify as I write this!) Again, listening to Disney music while I work is a great way to channel my excitement while still being productive. Also it's a great way to come into Disney ready to belt out my favorite songs as I watch Happily Ever After in the Magic Kingdom!
5. Brush Up on Your Disney History
While I have been to the Disney parks multiple times and consider Disney World a frequent vacation spot for my family, there's surprisingly little I actually know about the company apart from the magic they make. Because Disney is my future employer, I wanted to know everything there is to know about the company before I arrive. Not only does this make me a more informed cast member, but it also acts as a great tool for me to get excited to be on the magic making side of the equation. So far I've read Project Future by Chad Denver Emerson, The Disney Story by Aaron Goldberg, and Inside the Disney Marketing Machine by Lorraine Santoli. Each has provided me with more knowledge on the magic of Disney!
6. Live Vicariously Through Those Who Have Documented Their DCP
There are many great resources circling about from individuals who have already done the DCP. There are vlogs abound about everything you could possibly want to know about the program. I love spending time watching all of them. While the experiences of people on the vlogs will most likely be slightly different than mine, I love getting an inside peak on what I'm about to experience. Currently my favorite vlogs to watch are those that share their typical week on the DCP.
These are ways I'm preventing myself going crazy from anticipation. What are you doing to pass the time between your acceptance and start of your program? Leave your comments below!